BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

CRLS-060 - (Provincial) - College Readiness Learning Skills -

CRLS-060 - (Provincial) - College Readiness Learning Skills -

Course Details
This course provides students with the necessary knowledge in areas of reading, public speaking, and writing to assist students to become successful at the college academic level. The course covers a variety of topics including personal development, study habits and methodology, and current views of Aboriginal issues from a holistic perspective. The curriculum focuses on cultural history, roles and responsibilities of First Nations in higher education, and the practice of effective learning and study skills.
Part of the:
  • Continuing Education Department
  • Developmental Studies Department
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • College Readiness - Qualifying Courses
  • Prerequisites : CRLS 050 (Advanced), or, Advisor assessed equivalent.
    Transferability: CRLS 060 will be articulated at a Provincial level for entry in the ABE In British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Articulation Handbook.
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Bachelor's of Education or Equivalent.
    Office Hours: 1.5
    Contact Hours: 75
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 30% (written reports, journal entries*, and projects) Tests 25% (Chapter applications, self-tests, midterm, quizzes) Presentations 20% (public presentations, group work) Participation 15% (attendance, time management, attentiveness, following/self directions) Final Paper 10% Grading: Grading procedures follow NVIT policy. Journal Entries are due every Friday. They are to be typed, 81/2 x 11 paper, 12 pt font-Times Roman or Arial – 500 wds ( exception: if poetry format used, then 300 wds). These entries can be on any topic: however, you can focus on new ideas or new skills learned that week. Past experiences are acceptable. These must be corrected and put into a binder which will be graded at the end of the term. Major Paper 5 pages in length. Any topic relating to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada or A current issue of First Nation, Metis, or Inuit concern at the Post Secondary level (i.e. racism, band funding, urban Indians and education, new initiatives, etc.) This includes;
  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • References – 5 to 7 pages of Hard Copy research must accompany paper at back. This will show where you precisely got your references from (APA Format).
  • Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of CRLS 060, students should have the skills and knowledge to:
  • conduct research using resources at NVIT and other research sources;

  • use listening, note-taking, and various communication skills with class lectures, discussions, presentations and videos and media sources;

  • recognize and acknowledge cross-cultural styles of communication;

  • prepare and deliver group presentations that demonstrate knowledge and awareness of a clearly defined topic;

  • employ strategies for maintaining a self-sufficient lifestyle;

  • practice and communicate an awareness of one’s own cultural identity;

  • demonstrate a traditional First Nations approach to wellness and compare with other (contemporary) approaches;

  • act upon healthy lifestyle strategies that maintain balance and wholeness from physical emotional, intellectual, and spiritual perspectives.
  • Text and Materials: Frideres, J. Aboriginal Peoples In Canada (Current Edition). Prentice Hall, Allyn and Bacon Canada.
    Carter, C., Bishop, J., Kravits, s., and Maurin, P. Keys To Success 1998. Prentice Hall Career & Technology
    Brown, W. Reaching Your Full Potential, 1999. Prentice Hall.
    Other Resources: NVIT elders, tribal elders, and community resource people will lend support for the delivery of CRLS 060.
    Relevant handouts and media sources will be used as necessary.
    Transfer Credits: For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
    Other Information: Field trips and off-campus activities may include visiting First Nations traditional heritage sites, participating in cultural events and ceremonies, exercising citizenship, and practicing teamwork.

    Education Council approved October 2002.