BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

Administrative Studies Certificate

Department: BUSINESS
Program Delivery Location: Merritt 
Credential: Diploma
Format: Full-Time, Part-Time
Start Dates: September, January

Administrative Studies Certificate

Business Administration provides programs designed to assist individuals and communities to meet the leadership and management challenges of business, Indigenous self-sufficiency and self-government.

Learners will be equipped with:

  • A combination of general organizational knowledge, and specific technical analytical and management skills;

  • Encouraged to develop a management style consistent with traditional and/or current Indigenous values, beliefs, cultures and customs;

  • Enriched with the practical knowledge that comes from working in Indigenous organizations; and

  • Qualified to transfer certain courses into advanced studies of management and business in a variety of university degree programs.


Grade 12 graduation or equivalent with:

  • MATH 057 or Foundations in Math 11 or equivalent assessment; and

  • ENGL 060 or English 12, or equivalent assessment.

All applications for admission to Administrative Studies must be accompanied by official transcripts describing a learner's previous educational achievements. Admission to the program is granted on a first-come first-served basis once applicants have met the program admission prerequisites.

The department head may, in exceptional circumstances, admit applicants missing certain program prerequisites provided the applicant can demonstrate s/he has the potential to succeed in the program.

NVIT is committed to making education accessible. If you do not meet program requirements, please contact the department head or an academic planner regarding upgrading opportunities to prepare for program entry.

Certificate Completion Plan
Year 1 Certificate course completion plan A minimum GPA of 2.00 (C) and 30 credits is mandatory to receive a Certificate Elective - UT Elective 100 or 200 level (STSC 101 recommended) (3 Credits) *Please note that STSC is not a required course to complete the program; however, because it remains a mandatory course for new students, it should be noted that it is the recommended course as the UT elective.
  • ADMN-115 - Accounting I
  • ADMN-121 - Introduction to Management
  • ADMN-130 - Community Development I \
  • ADMN-165 - Introduction To Computing Systems
  • BUSM-200 - Finite Mathematics
  • BUSM-222 - Organizational Behaviour
  • BUSM-250 - Principles of Marketing (form. Busm252)
  • ECON-101 - Principles of Microeconomics
  • ENGL-110 - College Composition
  • STSC-101 - Strategies for Success
  • Course Listing for this program

    ADMN-115 - Credits: 3.000
    Accounting I
    ADMN 115 is an in-depth study of the concepts, principles and practice for external business financial reporting. Consideration of issues related to the measurement and reporting of cash, receivable, inventories, property, plant and equipment, intangibles, investments, revenue and expense recognition and cash flows are discussed. In addition, current financial statement presentation issues (balance sheet, income statement) and cash flow statement) are analyzed to gain an appreciation for the impact of generally accepted accounting principles on the business environment as a whole. Recognition and measurement of liabilities (short and long-term), the structure of stockholders' equity, taxes, leases, pensions, and accounting changes and error analysis are also covered in the course. Current generally accepted standards for business reporting are also analyzed, as is their effect of the presentation of financial results by corporations and other entities. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: English 12, or English Studies 12, or English First Peoples 12, or equivalent assessment, and Math 11 or equivalent assessment, or permission of instructor.
    ADMN-121 - Credits: 3.000
    Introduction to Management
    ADMN 121 provides the student with an introduction to management. It is designed to introduce students to the world of organizations. Although this course will not necessarily make the student a manager, it will provide them with a better understanding of the workings of organizations and those who manage them. The ideas and concepts associated with management will be practiced in class through experiential learning in a team context. The material will not only clarify the things managers do but also focus on developing a conceptual awareness of the issues facing managers and organizations in the ever-changing and increasingly competitive world economy. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: ENGL 060 / MATH-057 / or English 12 or English Studies 12 and/or English First Peoples 12 and MATH 057 or Foundations of Math 11 or permission of instructor.
    ADMN-130 - Credits: 3.000
    Community Development I \
    ADMN 130 examines Community Economic Development (CED) within a global setting. Additional CED strategies and the development of global theories on CED are explored. This course will promote roles and jobs for CEDOs (Community Economic Development officers)in their communities and globally. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: MATH 050, Foundations of Math 11 or MATH 057, and ENGL 060, or English 12, or English Studies 12, or English First Peoples 12 or equivalent or permission of instructor
    ADMN-165 - Credits: 3.000
    Introduction To Computing Systems
    Introduction to Computing Systems explains how computer systems, comprised of hardware and software, work. Computing systems are used as a tool, and are intended to increase operation efficiencies in business. Having a clear understanding of computing systems is important to those who often work with limited resources. In addition to enabling the student in understanding how to implement and utilize computing systems, this course will review examples of how computing systems and information technology have been used in economic development. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: COMP 050 / or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
    BUSM-200 - Credits: 3.000
    Finite Mathematics
    This course is designed to build a mathematical base for persons planning to become involved in administration and/or business management. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the need for business professionals to be able to use mathematics in research, statistics, problem solving and decision-making. This course is designed to expose students to the areas of mathematics that they are likely to require in their future jobs or areas of study. Topics include linear equations, sets and counting, probability, matrices, linear programming and solving financial problems. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: ENGL 060 / MATH-057 / or English 12 or English Studies 12 and/or English First Peoples 12; and MATH 057 or Foundations of Math 11; or permission of instructor
    BUSM-222 - Credits: 3.000
    Organizational Behaviour
    Information extracted from various areas of psychology (social, industrial/organizational) and management will be utilized to study the nature of work, people and organizations. Topics include: leadership, motivation, group dynamics, communication, Japanese management, job design, organizational design, culture and climate, organizational change, power, stress and time management and human resource management/development issues. Organizational behavior will be examined through lecture, discussion and practical applications of learned materials. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: ENGL 060 / MATH-057 / ENGL 060 or English 12 and/or English First Peoples 12; and/or Foundations of Math 11; or permission of instructor
    BUSM-250 - Credits: 3.000
    Principles of Marketing (form. Busm252)
    This course is an introduction to marketing activities in modern business firms. The major topics covered are strategic planning, target markets and segmentation, consumer behavior, research and information systems, and the marketing mix. Throughout the course, emphasis is on the application of concepts and perspectives to current business problems and opportunities, through case studies and projects. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: ENGL 060 / MATH-057 / or English 12 or English Studies 12 and/or English First Peoples 12; and/or Foundations of Math 11; or permission of instructor
    ECON-101 - Credits: 3.000
    Principles of Microeconomics
    Course topics include markets, applications of supply and demand analysis, the theory of consumer behaviour and the impact of government regulations and intervention on market performance. Other topics include the theory of the firm under imperfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition, the principles of oligopoly, productive efficiency, the distribution of income, the role of unions and factor market performance. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: MATH 059 / or Foundations of Math 11; or permission of instructor.
    ENGL-110 - Credits: 3.000
    College Composition
    English 110 prepares students to develop foundational skills in critical reading, analysis, and writing with a focus on transferable techniques for academic disciplines. Through selected readings from NVIT's Indigenous anthologies, a variety of selected texts, and Internet sources, students will explore and respond to diverse arguments and issues in contemporary culture through an Indigenous lens. Emphasis will focus on the writing process by revising and rewriting essays to produce grammatically correct sentences, well-developed paragraphs, and logically coherent essays. As well, students will learn to develop and hone their research skills by gathering information from primary and secondary sources. Learners will read a variety of texts, analyze them for their content and language and style, and write both expository and persuasive essays to improve their academic writing. The course will also emphasize analysis of textual rhetoric, discourse, and style. By the end, students will have gained the necessary skills to write, revise, and analyze university-level essays effectively. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: ENGL 060 / or English 12 or English Studies 12 and/or English First Peoples 12 or permission of instructor.
    STSC-101 - Credits: 3.000
    Strategies for Success
    This course introduces students to higher learning and academic culture. Students will explore a variety of topics that will help them connect to resources that will aid in their student success, including test-taking strategies, note-taking, time management, research, student responsibilities and ethics, learning styles, and setting educational goals that will contribute to lifelong learning. In addition, students will connect with other academic supports like the Librarian and Student Success Centre and have access to Elders who will introduce learners to some Indigenous cultural traditions to help students maintain a healthy balance during their studies. More Details on this course

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