BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

MEDA-150 - Clinical Procedures - 3.00 Credits

MEDA-150 - Clinical Procedures - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
This course focuses on clinical procedures and tests performed in medical settings, including using instruments, equipment, and supplies. Learners are taught relevant theories about clinical procedures as well as how to take and chart vital signs, collect specimens, test visual acuity, and prepare the required equipment for specialty examinations and minor surgical procedures. Learners will learn to perform basic laboratory tests, assist the physician, and prepare patients for specific tests, procedures, and examinations. Emphasis is placed on establishing and maintaining medical and surgical asepsis and properly disposing of bio-hazardous materials.
Part of the:
  • BUSINESS Department
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • Medical Office Assistant Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications:
    Office Hours:
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Learning Outcomes:
    Text and Materials:
    Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits:
    Other Information: