BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

ENGL-110 - College Composition - 3.00 Credits

ENGL-110 - College Composition - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
English 110 prepares students to develop foundational skills in critical reading, analysis, and writing with a focus on transferable techniques for academic disciplines. Through selected readings from NVIT's Indigenous anthologies, a variety of selected texts, and Internet sources, students will explore and respond to diverse arguments and issues in contemporary culture through an Indigenous lens. Emphasis will focus on the writing process by revising and rewriting essays to produce grammatically correct sentences, well-developed paragraphs, and logically coherent essays. As well, students will learn to develop and hone their research skills by gathering information from primary and secondary sources. Learners will read a variety of texts, analyze them for their content and language and style, and write both expository and persuasive essays to improve their academic writing. The course will also emphasize analysis of textual rhetoric, discourse, and style. By the end, students will have gained the necessary skills to write, revise, and analyze university-level essays effectively.
Part of the:
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • Aboriginal Early Childhood Education Certificate - AECE Year 1 Fall Courses
  • Aboriginal Community & Health Development Certificate - Aboriginal Community and Health Certificate
  • Aboriginal Early Childhood Education Certificate - Year 1 Fall
  • Associate of Arts Degree- Criminology - Year 1
  • Associate of Arts Degree- First Nations Studies - Year 1
  • First Nations Speech and Language Assistant Certificate - FNSL Certificate Completion Plan
  • Administrative Studies Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Executive Assistant Diploma - Diploma Completion Plan
  • Aboriginal Community Economic Development Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Aboriginal Leadership in the Justice System Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Aboriginal Governance & Leadership Certificate - Certificate Term 1
  • First Nations Public Administration Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Tourism Management Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Community and Public Safety Professional Certificate Program - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Indigenous Holistic Wellness and Addictions Certificate - IHWA Courses
  • Building Indigenous Theory Micro-Credential - Micro-Credentiaal Completion Plan
  • Indigenous Early Childhood Education Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Indigenous Human Services Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Prerequisites : ENGL 060, or English 12 or English Studies 12 and/or English First Peoples 12 or permission of instructor.
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Relevant Master's Degree.
    Office Hours: 1.5 Per Week
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 50 - 70%, Final 30 - 50%, Total 100 %. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
    Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should demonstrate knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes in the following:
    Refining Writing Skills
  • use the processes of writing including drafting, revising and editing;

  • write paragraphs and essays suitable for a specific audience or purpose;

  • support a logical position in writing;

  • respond in writing (using analysis and syntheses) to meanings and values encountered in readings;

  • write argument and/or persuasion that supports a position; and

  • write a formal research paper that incorporates various resources and adheres to appropriate MLA standards of format and documentation.

  • Refining Reading Skills
  • read a variety of works ranging from student to published works;

  • recognize the author’s purpose and follow the author’s line of argument;

  • formulate generalizations about key concepts in reading, such as underlying themes, motivation and intent;

  • recognize patterns in readings, such as comparison/contrast and cause and effect;

  • differentiate between primary and secondary resource material;and

  • answer questions verbally and in writing to indicate comprehension of selected works.

  • Refining Research Skills
  • use the various services of NVIT’s library and Internet resources;

  • find and use a variety of sources to support the student’s purpose in both expository and persuasive writing; and

  • paraphrase, synthesize and summarize source information.

  • Building Critical Thinking Skills
  • recognize and use inductive and deductive reasoning;

  • draw defensible conclusions from information found in various sources;

  • comprehend, develop and use concepts and generalizations; and

  • distinguish between fact, inference and opinion.
  • Text and Materials: To be determined by Instructor based upon the Learning Outcomes and Assignment Parameters listed above.

    Texts might include:
  • Penny Petrone’s First People: First Voices.

  • Derek Soles’ Lessons in Essay Writing.
  • Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits: For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
    Other Information: