BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

FINA-061 - Drawing -

FINA-061 - Drawing -

Course Details
This course explores drawing as an expressive art form. It will focus on image development and design strategies, context, visual elements and principles of art and design, materials, technologies and processes. Traditional and contemporary Indigenous art perspectives will be incorporated with an emphasis on the Nsyilx people.
Part of the:
  • Prerequisites : ENGL 040, English 10 or instructor permission or advisor assessed equivalent.
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent.
    Office Hours: 1.5
    Contact Hours: 60
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 50-70%, final exam 30-50%, Total 100%. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
    Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
  • demonstrate an understanding of a wide variety of Aboriginal image sources, techniques, image-development, and design strategies for drawing;

  • demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the Aboriginal influence of the personal, social, cultural and historical in drawing;

  • demonstrate understanding of and appreciation for the Aboriginal visual elements, principles of art, design and how they are used to communicate in drawing; and

  • demonstrate an ability to draw using a variety of materials, technologies and processes.
  • Text and Materials: Materials and supplies will be required as specified by the instructor.
    Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits: Refer to the ABE Articulation Handbook.
    Other Information: