BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

TSTP-100 - Exterior Structural Firefighter Training - 3.00 Credits

TSTP-100 - Exterior Structural Firefighter Training - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
This course is designed for the Community Volunteer Fire Fighter (CVFF) Program and is intended to give the CVFF the basic knowledge and skill to conduct firefighting actives in a safe and effective manor when dealing with a structure fire with in their community. As CVFF's do not have Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (S.C.B.A.), this training will deal with exterior structure attacks only. Students will be introduced to basic fire behavior, fire scene safety and basic exterior fire attack methods. All students must maintain a 70% overall mark.
Part of the:
  • Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications:
    Office Hours:
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Learning Outcomes:
    Text and Materials:
    Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits:
    Other Information: