BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

ENGL-101 - Foundations for Academic Writing - 3.00 Credits

ENGL-101 - Foundations for Academic Writing - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
An introduction to reading and writing in the academic disciplines. Through the study and application of the principles of academic discourse and with emphasis on expository and persuasive writing, this course will introduce students to critical reading and academic writing. In lectures, discussions and on-line exercises, instructors will focus on skills central to academic discourse. Students will examine methods for discovering and arranging ideas, and they will consider ways in which style is determined by situation. Reading and writing assignments will require students to study, analyze, and apply principles of exposition and persuasion.
Part of the:
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • Community and Public Safety Professional Certificate Program - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Indigenous Human Services Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Prerequisites : ENGL-060 , English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Relevant Master's Degree.
    Office Hours: 1.5 per week
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 50 - 70%, Final 30 - 50%, Total 100 %. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
    Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student should demonstrate knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes in the following:
  • successfully complete all exercises in The Canadian Writers Workplace text (review of Grammar, Sentence Structure, APA, basic essay writing skills);

  • apply the principles of academic discourse with emphasis on expository and persuasive writing;

  • read critically and apply gained knowledge to academic writing;

  • apply differing methods for discovering and arranging ideas; and

  • study, analyze, and apply principles of exposition and persuasion to academic discourse.
  • Text and Materials: Recommended texts and materials:

    Texts might include:
  • Lipschutz,G., Scarry, S., & Scarry, J. The Canadian Writer’s WorkplaceCurrent edition, Toronto, ON, Nelson Education

  • Scott, S., Perkins, D. & Rothwell, E.Intersections: Essays in the Sciences and Humanities Current Edition, Toronto, ON, Pearson Education
  • Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits: Please note that this course is currently in articulation procedures for transfer credit at several BC Colleges and Universities.

    Once Approved, information will be available at: www.bctransferguide.ca
    Other Information: Education Council approved March 26th, 2014.