HALQ-113 - Halq?emeylem in Context I - 3.00 Credits
Course Details
The overall goal of the course is to provide the student with the ability to comprehend a series of short fluent texts in the Halq'eméylem language. Students will learn to take active and collaborative roles in text and vocabulary analysis, story translation, and sound descriptions. At the end of the course, students will be able to follow three short stories independent of any translation. Student familiarity with vocabulary and structure will be strong enough that they can produce their own, slightly simplified, versions of the stories. Students will have formed a solid foundation for approaching any fluent text in the language. Students will also have spent time being mentored in an online chat with a fluent Elder, and will have a solid foundation in online mentoring methodology.
Part of the:UNIVERSITY TRANSFER Department
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50 - 70%, Final 30 - 50%, Total 100 %.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
define words in the language based solely on examples from texts, with appropriate citation and fields in the definitions;
describe and produce without translation the main vocabulary items from all three fluent stories in the course;
describe the production of a set of the most difficult non-English sounds in the language, framing their description in non-technical language. (Sounds covered will include /x_/, /x/, /sh/, /k'/, /'/, /t'/, /q/, /q'/ ,/qw'/.);
combine words and endings in the language according to the patterns of the language;
produce their own version of each of the stories, with some assistance and aids, using similar vocabulary and sentence building patterns as the original elder's story; and
apprentice in an online chat environment successfully, using standard master-apprentice techniques adapted to online chat.
Text and Materials:
1. Hinton, Leanne with Vera, M. and Steele, N. (2002) How to Keep Your Language Alive, Heydey Books
'Honey I Already' short fluent story in Halq'emeylem language, by E. Herrling, audio and slide-show illustrated versions, available online with course.
'Having My Baby' short fluent story by E. Herrling, audio and slide-show illustrated versions, available online with course.
'Eat Your Vegetables' short fluent story by E. Herrling, audio and slide-show illustrated versions, available online with course.
*All stories are from the Modern Living in Halq'emeylem series in the E. Herrling collection, from Stolo Shxweli Halq'emeylem language archives, used with permission.
Other Resources:
Sound diagrams (animated cross-sections of mouth) for sounds /x_/, /x/, /sh/, /k'/, /'/, /t'/, /q/, /q'/ ,/qw'/, produced by UBC Linguistics dept., used with permission, available on course site.
Related phrases, 30-50 phrases with audio and text, available on course site.
Example-Sentence summaries for each vocabulary item, organized in an interactive piece for each story, available on course site.
'Screencast' lectures (audio plus video footage of items manipulated on computer screen), covering sentence building patterns for each story, approximately 10 simple screencasts for each story.
Course dictionary (mainly created by the students themselves, uploading and posting their own definitions), available on course site.
Course feedback form.
NVIT Vision and Mission Statement
NVIT Plagiarism Policy
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
Other Information: