PRNS-237 - Health Promotion III - 2.50 Credits
Course Details
This course is focused on health promotion as it relates to the continuum of care across the lifespan. Health promotion in the context of mental illness, physical and developmental disabilities and maternal/child health is highlighted. Normal growth and development from conception to middle adulthood is addressed.
Part of the:CAREER TRAINING (HEALTH) Department
Available/Required in the following Programs:Access to Practical Nursing Diploma - Level 3
Course offered:Spring 2025 (January - April)
Prerequisites : PRNS 229, Corequisites : PRNS 232, 233, 236 and 238
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree.
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50-70%, Final 30-50%, Total 100%.
NB. Minimum B- grade is required in this course to progress into further PRNS courses.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
identify normal patterns of growth and development from conception to middle adulthood;
provide examples of public health services available to pregnant women in the community;
describe health promoting strategies for the postpartum client and newborn;
provide examples of mental health/illness services available to clients in the community;
describe how culture may impact utilization of mental health resources;
compare the level of mental health services from urban to rural areas;
explore examples of harm reduction activities;
discuss disparities in the delivery of community health services in BC;
identify and describe health promotion activities for clients living with mental illness and those living with disabilities;
give examples of teaching and learning strategies for care in the community - Practical Nurse Curriculum Guide 2011; and
discuss the impact of immunization in health promotion.
Text and Materials:
Leifer, G. Introduction to maternity & pediatric nursing. Current edition. Toronto. Mosby Elsevier.Ross-Kerr, J.C. & Wood, M.J. Potter & Perry Canadian fundamentals of nursing. Current edition. Toronto. Mosby Elsevier.Womble, D.M. Introductory mental health nursing. Current edition. Philadelphia. Lippincott.
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit:
Other Information:
The NVIT Access to Practical Nursing curriculum materials have been adapted from the B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education Practical Nursing Program curriculum. Any total or partial reproduction or changing of this product by any means is prohibited without written permission from NVIT.
Education Council approved June 26, 2013
Current Course Offerings: | PRNS-237-01 19 Mar 2025 - 09 May 2025 |