HALQ-211 - Intensive Halq'emeylem II - 9.00 Credits
Course Details
Intensive Halq'eméylem Level II is the second of four intensive courses in the Halq'emeylem language. Students will master their second set of 500 vocabulary items, while learning to use a number of other core grammatical patterns in the language. Methodologies are similar to Intensive Level 1: heavy focus on vocabulary learning, communicative-functional approaches (e.g. dialogues, play-acting), mixed with practice with the grammatical exercises and more advanced focus on the details of pronunciation. Students will also focus on studying a traditional oral text.
Part of the:UNIVERSITY TRANSFER Department
Prerequisites : HALQ 210,
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Related Master's and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or designate of Language authority under auspice of instructor of record.
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50 - 70%, Final 30 - 50%, Total 100 %.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
have strong passive knowledge of 1000 vocabulary items;
demonstrate active command of those vocabulary items;
use their vocabulary to construct novel sentences using the grammatical patterns covered in the course;
pronounce the words and phrases at an intermediate level;
listen to a story and understand it without any translation into English; and
write material in the language, including short narrations and stories.
Text and Materials:
Vocabulary: Second 500 Halq’emeylem Words (digital dictionary and related resources).
Grammar: S’olh Halq’emeylem, Booklet B.
George, Rosealeen. Sas’qets (The Sasquatch Story). Stó:lô Nation (2004).
Other Resources:
Resources may vary by instructor, an example of texts and materials for this course could include:
Stó:lô Nation. Sounds of the Stó:lô CD-Rom, (2000).
Stó:lô Nation. Spirit of the Stó:lô CD-Rom , (2001).
First Peoples’ Heritage Council. FirstVoices, www.FirstVoices.ca website (2004).
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
Other Information: