MATH-041 - Introductory Algebra I -
Course Details
The British Columbia ABE Intermediate Level Mathematics course enables adult learners to acquire mathematical knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to enter appropriate higher level courses or to satisfy personal or career goals. MATH 041 is a course that prepares students with the introductory algebraic concepts that must be understood prior to taking MATH 055 or MATH 057. Some of the topics include rational numbers, measurement, ratios and proportions, linear relations, polynomials and algebra.
Part of the:ACADEMIC/CAREER PREPARATION DepartmentDevelopmental Studies Department
Available/Required in the following Programs:College Readiness - Qualifying Courses
Prerequisites : MATH 040, permission of instructor, or advisor assessed equilvalent.
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent.
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments/Chapter tests/Midterms 50-70%, Final 30-50%, Total 100%.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Operations with Rational Numbers
It is expected that learners should be able to:
write fractions as decimals and decimals as fractions;add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers;use order of operations;graph rational numbers on the number line; anddefine absolute value.
2. Measurement
It is expected that learners should be able to:
use the common metric units for temperature, length, area, volume/capacity, and mass;use the common Imperial units for temperature, length, area, volume/capacity, and force;convert between and within metric and Imperial units using tables and/or calculators; and use proportional reasoning for conversions.
3. Perimeter, Area, and Volume
It is expected that learners should be able to:
find perimeters of triangles, squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, circles and composite figures using formulas;find areas of the above shapes using formulas;find the surface areas of cubes, rectangular solids, right cylinders and cones, spheres, and composite solids using formulas;find the volumes of cubes, rectangular solids, right cylinders and cones, spheres, and composite solids using formulas; and distinguish between concepts of perimeter and area and their respective units.
4. Ratio, Proportion and Percent
It is expected that learners should be able to:
read, write, interpret, and compare ratios;read, write and identify proportions and use them to solve problems;use ratio and proportion to interpret and make scale drawings; anduse ratio and proportion to solve problems involving similar triangles;use ratios and proportions to solve problems involving:
- finding percent when part and whole are known
- finding part when percent and whole are known
- finding whole when part and percent are known
5. Algebra
It is expected that learners should be able to:
explain the use of variables;evaluate algebraic expressions using substitution; combine like terms and remove parentheses;solve first degree equations in one variable;translate a problem into an equation;use equations to solve problems;solve simple formulas for one variable; anduse formulas to solve problems.
6. Linear Equations and Graphing
It is expected that learners will be should to:
draw a Cartesian co-ordinate system; andplot and name points in a Cartesian co-ordinate system; given an equation in two variables:
- determine if an ordered pair is a solution
- find ordered pairs which are solutions
graph equations of the form x = a and y = b.graph linear equations using:
- slope y-intercept
- two intercepts
- a table of values
relate slope to grade and pitch;find x- and y-intercepts.determine the equation of a line, y = mx + b, given
- its graph
- its slope and a point on the line
- two points on the line
solve problems using graphs of linear equations.
7. Powers, Roots, and Scientific Notation
It is expected that learners should be able to:
read and write numbers expressed as powers;evaluate powers with integral exponents;apply laws of exponents to simplify expressions;express numbers using scientific notation;convert between scientific and standard notation;determine the square root of a perfect square;express a square root as a mixed radical in simplest form (numerical radicands only); andapproximate square roots of real numbers using a calculator.
8. Polynomials
It is expected that learners should be able to:
distinguish between monomials, binomials, trinomials and other polynomials (in one variable only);apply the laws of exponents to variable expressions with integral exponents;evaluate polynomials by substitution;add, subtract, and multiply polynomials in one variable;factor polynomials by removing the largest common factor;factor binomials of the form a2x2 – b2y2;factor trinomials of the form ax2 + bx + c with a = 1 ONLY; anddivide a polynomial by a monomial.
9. Trigonometry
It is expected that learners should be able to:
name parts of a triangle;find missing side of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem;find the measure of an unknown side or angle of a right triangle using sine, cosine, or tangent ratios; andsolve problems using right angle trigonometry.
Text and Materials:
Elayn Martin-Gay. Pre-algebra & Introductory Algebra. Current Edition. Montreal. Pearson.
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit:
Other Information:
Education Council approved February 2013.