Office Administration Certificate
This program is to develop office administration skills and provide the necessary administrative skills to provide administrative support at the entry level. It is designed for persons who want to upgrade their office skills for certification and those entering the office workplace for the first time. It is ideal for individuals who do not have previous education or background in computing.
Admission Requirements
High school graduation or mature student status.
The Department Head may, in exceptional circumstances, admit applicants
who are lacking certain program admission requirements; provided that
the applicant can demonstrate s/he has a good chance of succeeding in
the program.
NVIT is committed to ensuring education is accessible to all people.
Students who do not meet program requirements should contact the
Department Head or an NVIT Academic Planner regarding upgrading
Certificate Completion Plan
APBT-110 - Administrative ProceduresAPBT-111 - Records ManagementAPBT-120 - Business Calculators & MathematicsAPBT-130 - Human Relations for Career SuccessAPBT-149 - Office Administration Assistant PracticumCOMM-101 - Business EnglishCOMM-111 - Business CommunicationCOMP-101 - Computer Essentials and the InternetCOMP-102 - Word Processing ICOMP-103 - Keyboarding ICOMP-104 - SpreadsheetsCOMP-112 - Word Processing IISTSC-101 - Strategies for Success
Course Listing for this program
APBT-110 - Credits: 3.000
Administrative Procedures
The dynamic office of today requires that office workers demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, think critically, apply problem-solving skills, and work effectively with other members of the office team. The rapid pace of change in the office of today demands that office workers have the ability to develop new skills and understand new processes as jobs evolve. In this course, learners will master essential organizational skills and develop efficient office practices in preparation for entry into the contemporary office.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
APBT-111 - Credits: 3.000
Records Management
The amount of information created and used in offices has increased significantly in recent years. Records, which contain all of the daily information necessary to the operation of any business, need to be managed effectively and efficiently. In today's office, maintaining the integrity of the records system means that all office workers need to be aware of the importance of correct creation, storage, use, retrieval, protection, control, and disposition of records. Technology continues to change the role played by today's office worker. This course will provide the student with the knowledge, skills and abilities to face these challenges and new responsibilities in dealing with both manual and electronic files. Please see other information for more details.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
APBT-120 - Credits: 3.000
Business Calculators & Mathematics
Business Calculators and Mathematics follows current trends in office technology, teaches the touch method of calculator use, explains common calculator features, and emphasizes business problem solving.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
APBT-130 - Credits: 3.000
Human Relations for Career Success
This course concentrates on personal and professional development skills needed by workers in today's workplace. These skills include self-examination and assessment, effective communication skills, interpersonal skills, client relations, teamwork, problem solving, and an understanding of business ethics.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
APBT-149 - Credits: 3.000
Office Administration Assistant Practicum
This partnership with the business community will provide our students with an exciting opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills in a practical office environment. This practicum will allow students to explore areas in the field they have not previously been exposed to, gain an understanding of what is required of various jobs, the skills necessary to be successful, as well as engage directly with industry partners. This course consists of 70 unpaid hours of work in the company's day-to-day operations over a two-week period. the coordinator will establish appropriate placements and complete site visits.
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Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses in the Office Administration Certificate program
COMM-101 - Credits: 3.000
Business English
Business English focuses on correct English usage in a business environment and provides students with a comprehensive review of grammar, punctuation, and style, as well as business spelling and vocabulary development. The course materials are presented in small, easily manageable learning segments.
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Prerequisites: Business English, or Program admission requirements
COMM-111 - Credits: 3.000
Business Communication
Business Communication teaches learners how to plan, organize, and write correct and effective reader friendly business documents appropriate for use in today's global business environment. Students will learn how to write business letters, memos, reports, and electronic messages. Each unit begins with a set of learning objectives. The assigned readings, together with the reinforcement exercises, are the principal learning activities.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
COMP-101 - Credits: 3.000
Computer Essentials and the Internet
In this course, the student is introduced to computer terminology, basic hardware, and operating system capabilities and will have confidence in navigating the Internet. The student will identify and manipulate data within a networked computer environment using current Microsoft Windows. The student will communicate via groupware with others using email and synchronous text chat, conduct online meetings, and be familiar with online learning.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
COMP-102 - Credits: 3.000
Word Processing I
Word Processing Level I is designed to teach students the basic functions of a word processing program as well as teach how to properly format documents such as letters and memoranda. Although students will be required to use the current Microsoft Windows to complete this course, many of the skills are generic and can be transferred to most word processing packages.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
COMP-103 - Credits: 3.000
Keyboarding I
The course provides learners with the necessary techniques to keyboard accurately at a minimum of 25 wpm using the alpha and numeric keyboard. Keyboarding accuracy is a valuable skill for all. Students need to be enrolled in Applied Business Technology/Office Administration to take this course; however, this course or the equivalent skill is essential for those interested in an office career, and a prerequisite for subsequent computer courses where keyboarding is required. This course is one of the required courses needed to receive an Applied Business Technology/Office Administration Certificate at BC public colleges. Students planning to complete a college certificate program must meet college entrance requirements.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
COMP-104 - Credits: 3.000
This course provides students with a working knowledge of electronic spreadsheets using the current Microsoft Windows program. Students will learn how to design, create, modify, and present professional-looking spreadsheets for use in today's workplace. Exercises include using formulas and built-in functions to solve mathematical problems. Students will also learn how to illustrate and present spreadsheet data in graphic form.
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Prerequisites: Program admission requirements
COMP-112 - Credits: 3.000
Word Processing II
Word Processing II is a continuation of Word Processing I. The course will cover additional instruction and practice with letter styles, tables, charts, and reports plus many advanced features of word processing software such as merge, macros, outlines, graphics and styles.
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Prerequisites: COMP 102
STSC-101 - Credits: 3.000
Strategies for Success
This course introduces students to higher learning and academic culture. Students will explore a variety of topics that will help them connect to resources that will aid in their student success, including test-taking strategies, note-taking, time management, research, student responsibilities and ethics, learning styles, and setting educational goals that will contribute to lifelong learning. In addition, students will connect with other academic supports like the Librarian and Student Success Centre and have access to Elders who will introduce learners to some Indigenous cultural traditions to help students maintain a healthy balance during their studies.
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