FNPA-240 - Responses to Addictions Issues - 3.00 Credits
Course Details
FNPA 240 critically examines how leaders and administrators working within First Nations organizations can effectively address alcohol abuse and other addiction issues at the community level. This course provides a brief overview of what addiction is and the types of addiction with particular emphasis on the historical roots of alcoholism in First Nations communities, alcohol abuse theories and treatment models, alcohol as a social problem, the relationship between alcohol and violence, and effective preventative and intervention strategies for dealing with alcohol abuse in a holistic and culturally appropriate manner.
Part of the:BUSINESS Department
Prerequisites : ENGL 110, or permission of instructor.
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree.
Office Hours:
1.5 per week.
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 30 - 50%, Final 50 - 70%, TOTAL 100%.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
demonstrate a critical self awareness regarding his or her own beliefs, values and assumptions related to alcohol abuse and other addiction issues;
demonstrate a general understanding of the historical roots of alcoholism in First Nations communities;
demonstrate and display an awareness of alcoholism as a social problem;
explain the disease model of alcoholism;
identify and describe the programming of First Nations treatment models;
identify and describe alternative perspectives and social control strategies;
describe the theory of the fire complex and explain its connection to violence;
describe and explain alcohol abuse norms in First Nations communities;
demonstrate an understanding of government and community reinforcement issues for alcoholism in the First Nations communities;
demonstrate a working knowledge of effective alcohol abuse services, prevention programming for alcohol abuse, and meaningful therapies for problem drinkers;
identify the structural change for alcohol abuse in First Nation communities;
identify and describe the principles and issues in direct intervention; and
assess critical connections between alcohol abuse and addiction issues and your potential role as a community leader in a First Nations organization.
Text and Materials:
Thatcher, R. (current edition). Fighting firewater fictions: Moving beyond the disease model of alcoholism in First Nations. Toronto: ON, University of Toronto Press.
Maracle, B. (current edition). Crazy water. Toronto: ON, Penguin Books.
Wormer, K,. & Davis, D. (current edition). Addiction Treatment: A strengths perspective, (pp. 3-15). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole- Thompson Learning.
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
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