AECL-167 - Responsive Curriculum Development - 3.00 Credits
Course Details
Curriculum Development focuses on developing, planning, and implementing activities for young children and building skills within the learner to ensure the needs of individual children are being met. Learners explore topics; such as, promoting creativity within an Aboriginal context, supporting play in culturally sensitive programs, using appropriate dialogue, and developing group times that are inclusive of Aboriginal culture.
Part of the:CAREER TRAINING (EDUCATION) Department
Prerequisites : Admission to the Program
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50-70%, Final 30-50%, Total 100%.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
Plan and create a variety of developmentally appropriate and play-based experiences that promote holistic development in young children for use in Aboriginal and mainstream programs.
Describe ways of promoting creativity within a mainstream and an Aboriginal context.
Provide program activities that support and enhance families' capacity to provide their children with enriching and stimulating experiences.
Create plans for individual, small, and large group activities; including, math, science, social studies, art, music, movement, and dramatic play.
Develop strategies to respond positively to children's efforts to learn, grow, and acquire new skills.
Plan experiences that support play in culturally sensitive inclusive programs through a range of activity areas that promote small and large motor, cognitive, creative, language, social, and emotional development.
Quote traditional and contemporary theories related to curriculum development. Discuss contemporary Aboriginal theories related to curriculum development (i.e. Susan Dion-Fletcher.
Demonstrate an ability to use dialogue that promotes the physical and emotional development of young children. Discuss different opinions from Aboriginal cultures regarding dialogue between adults and children.
Plan developmentally appropriate group times for children in mainstream and Aboriginal ECE programs.
Develop programming that ensures an appropriate balance of child-initiated, adult-guided, structured, and open ended activities.
Describe the process of typical language development for children aged birth to six and list ways to enhance language development through developmentally appropriate experiences.
Describe ways to ensure easy access for children with a range of physical abilities as well as the use of specialized equipment or adapted materials as needed.
Discuss the importance of selecting developmentally appropriate materials in child care settings.
Provide program materials that respect and reflect a full range of family structures and lifestyles.
Text and Materials:
Ingred, Crowther. Creating effective Learning Environments. Current Edition. Thompson Delmar Learning.
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
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Other Information:
Education Council approved October 31, 2012.