Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
1. discuss cultural and family diversity;
2. list support systems, resources and referral services available for children and families;
3. demonstrate an understanding of families dynamics by:
defining and describing families;
comparing member roles and rules;
outlining family transitions;
4. develop a perspective on family challenges by:
defining family challenges;
defining attitudes and feelings;
defining the role of the EC professional in supporting parents and children around challenges;
5. analyze parental involvement in child care settings;
6. develop strategies to prevent or resolve situations where conflict or tension may arise;
7. construct parent and staff collaborative strategies; and
8. implement family involvement in policy and programming decisions with respect to diversity.
9. develop personal and professional development by:
evaluating professional practice;
developing personal and professional goals and implementation strategies;
evaluating and revising the personal and professional development plan;
defining a personal wellness plan;
participating in professional and other child care organizations;
10. develop an understanding about government mandates and jurisdictions, current licensing and registration regulations, freedom of information and privacy regulations, Child, Family and Community Services Act, and organizational structure, authority and procedures for provincial and local Community Care Facilities licensing;
11. explain how to implement good practice and current government related policies, programs and procedures by developing, implementing, and maintain strategies to access information about government policies and procedures, by sharing information with stakeholders, by developing contacts with government agencies, and by assessing the impact of government policies , programs, and procedures within school and practicum;
12. outline the needs of the community with regards to
assessing the service-based needs;
identifying gaps in the community;
recommending change and how to change to the appropriate decision-makers;
identifying and analyzing related issues that impact children, families and communities;
13. construct an inventory of evaluation strategies to monitor the effectiveness of and quality of service including family and community support and be able to appraise the evaluations based on government requirements; and
14. analyze issues related to childcare and create ways to advocate to the public, government and other decision-makers about childcare.