NVIT believes in the right of Aboriginal people to determine their own future. NVIT is committed to ensuring Aboriginal people have access to an education that is recognized in the mainstream and relevant to our communities. The Governance processes at NVIT are determined both by our identity as an Aboriginal institute and by the College and Institute Act. At NVIT the Elders provide cultural guidance and support across the institution.
The Board of Governors
The Board consists of eight or more members appointed by the Province of British Columbia from nominations submitted by the Board of Governors, and four elected positions, two from the students and two from faculty and the staff at NVIT. NVIT’s President and its Education Council Chair are both non-voting members of the Board. The Board sets our Mission, Values, and Vision, provides overall direction, and is a key link with communities. The Board has authorities and responsibilities determined by provincial legislation.
For more information regarding the Board of Governors please call Pat Brown at (250) 378-3306.
Board of Governors Appointments [Effective Fall 2024]
Ministry Appointed Members:
Lennard Joe (Chair)
Shackan Band
NVIT˺s 5 founding communities
term ends December 2025
Melanie Nelson (Vice Chair)
Samahquam First Nation
BC Aboriginal member-at-large
term ends July 2025
Verna Billy-Minnabarriet
Bonaparte First Nation
Sharon Bond
Nooaitch Band
term ends December 2024
Shane Coutlee
Lower Nicola Band
Carla George
Squamish Nation
Darwin Hanna
Lytton First Nation
Harvey McLeod
Upper Nicola Band
Kathleen Smith
Denise Williams
Coast Salish, Cowichan Tribes
Elected Members:
Dale Calder
NVIT Support Staff Representative
Elaine Herbert
NVIT Faculty Representative
term ends October 2027
Melissa Moses
NVIT Student Representative
Jonathon Nolie
Gwa'sala-Nakwaxda'xw Nations
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members:
John Chenoweth
NVIT President
Tom Willms
NVIT Education Council Chair
Board Vacancy
Board Member Biographies
Board Orientation