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Courses matching that criteria
ANTH-214 - Canadian Indigenous People
ANTH-223 - Indigenous People of British Columbia
BIOL-110 - Biological Principles
BIOL-120 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
CMSC-109 - Computer Applications
CRIM-101 - Introduction to Criminology
CRIM-103 - Psychological Explanations Of Criminal And Deviant Behavior
CRIM-104 - Sociology of Deviance
CRIM-131 - Introduction to Criminal Justice System
CRIM-135 - Introduction to Canadian Law
CRIM-220 - Introduction to Research Methods
CRIM-230 - Criminal Law
CRIM-231 - Intro to the Judicial Process
CRIM-233 - Introduction to Corrections
DICM-101 - Introduction to Digital Innovation and Communication Media
DKLH-110 - Dakelh Language: Pronunciation -
DKLH-111 - Dakelh Language Pronunciation -
DKLH-112 - Dakelh Language Introduction to
DKLH-120 - Dakelh Language in Everyday Social
DKLH-121 - Dakelh Language Everyday Action
DKLH-122 - Dakelh Voc. Socio-Spat.I
DKLH-130 - Dakelh Language Entry Tools:
DKLH-131 - Dakelh Language Special Topics -
DKLH-132 - Dakelh Language Interpersonal
ECON-101 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECON-102 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ENGL-101 - Foundations for Academic Writing
ENGL-110 - College Composition
ENGL-111 - Introduction to Modern Fiction
ENGL-202 - The Cultural Politics of Indigenous Literature
ENGL-204 - Business Writing
ENGL-205 - Advanced Composition
ENGL-208 - Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL-209 - Creative Writing; Short Stories
ENGL-211 - Survey of English Literature
ENGL-212 - Discourse and the Colonization of Indigenous Social Spaces
ENGL-217 - Canadian Literature to 1960
ENGL-221 - English Literature 18/19th Century
ENGL-222 - Survey of Indigenous Literature From Canada
ENGL-223 - Survey of First Nations Literature
ENGL-224 - A Global Perspective on Indigenous Literature
ENGL-227 - Canadian Literature 1960 to Present
ENGL-229 - Oral & Written Communication
ENGL-323 - Indigenous Literature
FINA-112 - Design I
FINA-113 - Drawing I
FINA-175 - Painting
FINA-201 - Native Art History I
FINA-202 - Native Art History II
FNED-150 - International Indigenous Studies
FNSC-106 - Exploring the Natural Sciences
FNSC-107 - Environmental Sciences
FNST-100 - Introduction to First Nations Studies I
FNST-101 - Introduction to First Nations Studies II
FNST-102 - Community, Culture, and Identity
FNST-203 - First Nations of the Americas
FNWS-100 - Intro to First Nations Women Studies I
FNWS-101 - Intro to First Nation Women Studies II
FNWS-103 - First Nations Women and Colonization: Race, Class and Gender
FNWS-105 - Political Economy & First Nations Women
FNWS-201 - Unruly Women: First Nations Women and The Justice System
FNWS-202 - Comparative Gender Studies
FNWS-203 - First Nations Women, Power & Environment
FNWS-204 - Status of First Nations Women
FNWS-205 - First Nations Women & Popular Culture
FNWS-206 - First Nation Women's Artistic Tradition
FNWS-207 - Storytelling As Metaphor:
FNWS-208 - Women's Activism
FNWS-209 - Directed Study
FNWS-210 - Feminist Critical Thought
FNWS-211 - Research Methods
FNWS-212 - First Nations Women's Experience, Knowledge and Wisdom
FNWS-213 - The Politics of First Nation
HALQ-100 - Halq'emeylem Language Introduction
HALQ-110 - Halq'emeylem Language I
HALQ-111 - Halq'emeylem Language II
HALQ-112 - Halq'emeylem Language III
HALQ-113 - Halq?emeylem in Context I
HALQ-210 - Intensive Halq'emeylem I
HALQ-211 - Intensive Halq'emeylem II
HALQ-212 - Intensive Halq'emeylem III
HALQ-213 - Intensive Halq'emeylem IV
HALQ-214 - Halq'emeylem in Context II
HIST-100 - Intro to General Canadian History I
HIST-101 - Introduction to General Canadian History II
HIST-110 - Approaches to History
HIST-204 - The Métis Of Canada: Historical And Contemporary Perspectives I
HIST-205 - The Métis of Canada: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives II
HIST-234 - History of Thompson People
HIST-235 - History of Silx (Okanagan People)
HIST-236 - History of Secwepemc (Shuswap People)
HIST-237 - History of Stl'atl'imx
HIST-238 - History of Nadut'en
HIST-321 - Heroes, Rebels, Villains, Folks: The People Who Shaped Canada
HIST-362 - History of Education in Canada
HLTH-201 - Physical Health and Fitness
INLG-160 - Ways of Knowing: Nsyilxcn Social Foundations (previous INST 145)
INLG-161 - Ways of Knowing: Nle?kepmx Social Foundations
INLG-162 - Ways of Knowing: St'át'imc Social Foundations
INLG-163 - Ways of Knowing: Nadut'en Social Foundations
INLG-164 - Ways of Knowing: Secwépemc Social Foundations
INLG-165 - Ways of Knowing: Niwhkinic Social Foundations
INLG-180 - Dynamics of Indigenous Language Shift
INLG-181 - Issues, Principles and Practices in Language Revitalization
INLG-260 - Ways of Knowing: The Syilx Land Culture (previous INST 245)
INLG-261 - Ways of Knowing: the Nle?kepmx Land Culture
INLG-262 - Ways of Knowing: the St'át'imc Land Culture
INLG-263 - Ways of Knowing: the Nedut'en Land and Culture
INLG-264 - Ways of Knowing: the Secwépemc Land and Culture
INLG-265 - Ways of Knowing: The Niwhkinic Land and Culture
INST-102 - General Intro First Nations Issues
INST-105 - Teachings From the Land
INST-108 - General Introduction to
INST-162 - Native Education in Canada
INST-201 - Government Policy &
INST-202 - Government Policy and First Nations Prior to 1867
INST-240 - Indigenous Philosophy, A World View Perspective
INST-241 - First Nations Cultural Development I
INST-242 - Cultural Immersion II
INST-246 - Okanagan Cultural Development II
INST-247 - Nsyilx Studies: Leadership
INST-250 - Okanagan Curriculum/Materials Development
INST-270 - Aboriginal Title and Modern Treaties
INST-271 - Land Title: A Global Perspective
INST-275 - First Nation Law
INST-290 - Research Methods
INST-301 - Indigenous Writing
INST-308 - Indigenous Women: Perspectives
INST-340 - Indigenous Digital Storytelling
INST-341 - Indigenous Healing Practices
INST-350 - Image of the Indian in Film
INST-371 - Indigenous Leadership
INST-440 - Oral Tradition and Epistemology of Indigenous People
INST-470 - Traditional Ecological Knowledges
MATH-100 - Pre-Calculus
MATH-110 - Finite Math
MATH-120 - Introduction to Statistics
NADU-100 - Nadut'en Introduction
NADU-110 - Nadut'en Language: Pronunciation - Learning the Sounds
NADU-111 - Nadut'en Language Pronunciation - Root Syllables
NADU-112 - Introduction to Writing Nadut'en
NADU-120 - Nadut'en Language in Everyday Social Language
NADU-121 - Nadut'en Language Everyday Action & Interaction
NADU-122 - Nadut'en Language Vocabulary in Place & Socio-Spatial Context I
NADU-130 - Nadut'en Language Entry Tools: Introduction to Full Immersion
NADU-131 - Nadut'en Language Special Topics - Immersion
NADU-132 - Nadut'en Language Interpersonal Interactions Through Immersion Learning
NADU-150 - Nadut'en Immersion I
NADU-151 - Nadut'en Immersion II
NADU-210 - Nadut'en Language Linguistics/Literacy
NADU-211 - Nadut'en Language Translation/ Transliteration
NADU-220 - Nadut'en Language Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context II
NADU-221 - Nadut'en Language Structure and Syntax
NADU-230 - Nadut'en Connections: Context Through Immersion Learning
NADU-231 - Nadut'en Language Place and Time: Context Through Immersion Learning
NADU-250 - Nadut'en Immersion III
NADU-251 - Nadut'en Immersion IV
NADU-270 - Nadut'en Structure and Analysis I
NADU-271 - Nadut'en Structure and Analysis II
NADU-280 - Nadut'en: Practical Speech
NADU-281 - Nadut'en II: Practical Writing
NADU-330 - Nedut'en Language Immersion: Pod/Cohort Learning Through Multiple Mentors
NADU-350 - Nadut'en Language Immersion: Intro to Mentored Special Topics
NADU-351 - Nadut'en Immersion Vi
NEHI-110 - Nehiyawewin Introduction
NIWH-110 - Niwhkinic Language: Pronunciation - Learning the Sounds
NIWH-111 - Niwhkinic Language: Pronunciation - Root Syllables
NIWH-112 - Introduction to Writing Niwhkinic
NIWH-120 - Niwhkinic Language in Everyday Social Language
NIWH-121 - Niwhkinic Language Everyday Action and Interaction
NIWH-122 - Niwhkinic Language Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context I
NIWH-130 - Niwhkinic Language Entry Tools: Introduction to Full Immersion
NIWH-131 - Niwhkinic Language Special Topics - Immersion
NIWH-132 - Niwhkinic Language Interpersonal Interactions Through Immersion Learning
NIWH-210 - Niwhkinic Language Linguistics/Literacy
NIWH-211 - Niwhkinic Language Translation / Transliteration
NIWH-220 - Niwhkinic Language Vocabulary in Place And Socio-Spatial Context II
NIWH-221 - Niwhkinic Language Structure and Syntax
NIWH-230 - Niwhkinic Connections: Context Through Immersion Learning
NIWH-231 - Niwhkinic Language Place and Time: Context Through Immersion Learning
NIWH-330 - Niwhkinic Language Immersion: Pod/Cohort Learning Through Multiple Mentors
NIWH-350 - Niwhkinic Language Immersion: Introduction to Mentored Special Topics
NLEK-100 - n?e?kepmxcin Introduction
NLEK-110 - Nle?kepmx Language: Pronunciation - Learning the Sounds
NLEK-111 - Nle?kepmx Language Pronunciation - Root Syllables
NLEK-112 - Nle?kepmx Language Introduction to Writing
NLEK-120 - Nle?kepmx Language in Everyday Social Language
NLEK-121 - Nle?kepmx Language Everyday Action And Interaction
NLEK-122 - Nle?kepmx Language Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context I
NLEK-130 - Nle?kepmx Language Entry Tools: Introduction to Full Immersion
NLEK-131 - Nle?kepmx Language Special Topics - Immersion
NLEK-132 - Nle?kepmx Language Interpersonal Interactions Through Immersion Learning
NLEK-140 - Nle?kepmx Language Tools I
NLEK-150 - Nle'kepmxcin Immersion
NLEK-151 - Nle'kepmxcin Immersion II
NLEK-210 - Nle?kepmx Language Linguistics/Literacy
NLEK-211 - Nle?kepmx Language Translation / Transliteration
NLEK-220 - Nle?kepmx Language Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context II
NLEK-221 - Nle?kepmx Language Structure and Syntax
NLEK-230 - Nle?kepmx Language Connections: Context Through Immersion Learning
NLEK-231 - Nle?kepmx Language Place and Time: Context Through Immersion Learning
NLEK-270 - Nle'Kepmxcin Structure & Analysis I
NLEK-271 - Nle'Kepmxcin Structure & Analysis II
NLEK-280 - Nle'Kepmxcin Structure & Analysis I Nle'Kepmxcin: Practical Speech
NLEK-281 - Nle'Kepmxcin II: Practical Writing
NLEK-310 - Nle'kepmxcin V
NLEK-311 - Nle'kepmxcin VI
NLEK-330 - Nle?kepmx Language Immersion: Pod/Cohort Learning Through Multiple Mentors
NLEK-350 - Nle?kepmx Language Immersion: Introduction to Mentored Special Topics
NSYL-110 - Nsyilxcen Language: Pronunciation - Learning the Sounds (previous Inst 111 Or Pre-2019 Nsyl 110)
NSYL-111 - Nsyilxcen Pronunciation - Root Sounds (previous INST 191)
NSYL-112 - Introduction to Writing Nsyilxcen (previous INST 112)
NSYL-120 - Nsyilxcen Everyday Social Language (previous pre-2019 NSYL 111)
NSYL-121 - Nsyilxcen Everyday Action And Interaction (previous NSYL 150)
NSYL-122 - Nsyilxcen Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context I (previous NSYL 255)
NSYL-130 - Nsyilxcen Entry Tools: Introduction to Full Immersion (previous NSYL 152)
NSYL-131 - Special Topics - Nsyilxcen Immersion (previous NSYL 151 or INST 192)
NSYL-132 - Nsyilxcen Interpersonal Interactions Through Immersion Learning (previous NSYL 153)
NSYL-210 - Nsyilxcen Linguistics/Literacy (previous INST 255)
NSYL-211 - Nsyilxcen Translation/Transliteration (previous INST 210)
NSYL-220 - Nsyilxcen Vocabulary in Place and Socio- Spatial Context II (previous NSYL 257)
NSYL-221 - Nsyilxcen Structure and Syntax
NSYL-230 - Nsyilxcen Connections: Context Through Immersion Learning
NSYL-231 - Nsyilxcen Place and Time: Context Through Immersion Learning (previous NSYL 154)
NSYL-330 - Nsyilxcen Immersion: Pod/Cohort Learning Through Multiple Mentors (previous NSYL 360)
NSYL-350 - Nsyilxcen Immersion: Introduction to Mentored Special Topics
PBSF-210 - Approaches to Interpersonal Violence
PBSF-220 - Aboriginal Gang Reduction Strategies
PHIL-100 - Critical Thinking
POLI-100 - Introduction to Politics
POLI-111 - Canadian Government & Politics
POLI-121 - Contemporary Political
POLI-260 - Global Politics
PSYC-111 - Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC-115 - Adolescence and Addiction
PSYC-121 - Introduction to Psychology II
PSYC-131 - Applied Interprersonal & Career Development
PSYC-201 - Intro to Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC-203 - Introduction to Data Analysis
PSYC-212 - Introduction to Personality
PSYC-213 - Lifespan Human Development I
PSYC-221 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
PSYC-222 - Social Psychology
PSYC-223 - Lifespan Human Development II
PSYC-225 - Historical Trauma on First Nations People
PSYC-241 - Introduction to Abnormal Behavior
PSYC-303 - Critical Analysis in Psychology
PSYC-311 - History of Modern and Traditional Psychology
SECW-110 - Secwépemc Language: Pronunciation - Learning the Sounds
SECW-111 - Secwpemctsín II
SECW-112 - Secwépemc Language Introduction to Writing
SECW-120 - Secwépemc Social Language in Everyday Social Language
SECW-121 - Secwépemc Language Everyday Action and Interaction
SECW-122 - Secwépemc Language Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context I
SECW-130 - Secwépemc Language Entry Tools: Introduction to Full Immersion
SECW-131 - Secwépemc Language Special Topics - Immersion
SECW-132 - Secwépemc Language Interpersonal Interactions Through Immersion Learning
SECW-150 - Secwpemctsín Immersion I
SECW-151 - Secwpemctsín Immersion II
SECW-210 - Secwépemc Language Linguistics/Literacy
SECW-211 - Secwépemc Language Translation / Transliteration
SECW-220 - Secwpemctsín Oral Tradition
SECW-221 - Secwépemc Language Structure and Syntax
SECW-230 - Secwépemc Language Connections: Context Through Immersion Learning
SECW-231 - Secwépemc Language Place and Time: Context Through Immersion Learning
SECW-250 - Secwpemctsín Immersion III
SECW-251 - Secwpemctsín Immersion IV
SECW-270 - Secwpemctsín Structure and Analysis I
SECW-271 - Secwpemctsín Structure and Analysis II
SECW-281 - Secwepemctsín: Practical Writing
SECW-310 - Secwepemctsín V
SECW-330 - Secwépemc Language Immersion: Pod/Cohort
SECW-350 - Secwépemc Language Immersion: Introduction to Mentored Special Topics
SECW-351 - Secwepemc Language Immersion Vi
SKWX-110 - Skwxwu7mesh Language Introduction
SKWX-111 - Skwxwu7mesh Language I
SKWX-210 - Skwxwu7mesh Language II
SKWX-211 - Skwxwu7mesh Language III
SOCI-111 - Introduction to Sociology I
SOCI-121 - Introduction to Sociology II
SOCI-133 - Group Dynamics
SOCI-200 - The Nature of Racism
SOCI-211 - Canadian Society: Ethnic Inequality
SOCI-213 - Sociology of Women
SOCI-259 - Deviance and Social Control
SOCI-262 - Culture and Identity
SOCI-298 - Directed Studies
SOCI-299 - Directed Studies
SOCI-300 - Peacemaking
STAT-203 - Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
STLG-100 - Introduction to St'at'imcets Language
STLG-110 - St'át'imcets Language: Pronunciation - Learning the Sounds
STLG-111 - St'át'imcets Language Pronunciation - Root Syllables
STLG-112 - Introduction to Writing St'át'imcets Language
STLG-120 - St'át'imcets Language in Everyday Social Language
STLG-121 - St'át'imcets Language Everyday Action and Interaction
STLG-122 - St'át'imcets Language Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context I
STLG-130 - St'át'imcets Language Entry Tools: Introduction to Immersion
STLG-131 - Special Topics - St'át'imcets Language Immersion
STLG-132 - St'át'imcets Language Interpersonal Interactions Through Immersion Learning
STLG-150 - Special Topics: St'at'imcets Immersion
STLG-151 - St'át'imcets Immersion (Lillooet Language) II
STLG-210 - St'át'imcets Language Linguistics/ Literacy
STLG-211 - St'át'imcets Language Translation/ Transliteration
STLG-220 - St'at'imcets Language Vocabulary in Place and Socio-Spatial Context II
STLG-221 - St'át'imcets Language Structure and Syntax
STLG-230 - St'át'imcets Language Connections: Context Through Immersion Learning
STLG-231 - St'át'imcets Language Place and Time: Context Through Immersion Learning
STLG-250 - St'át'imcets Immersion (Lillooet Language) III
STLG-251 - St'át'imcets Immersion IV
STLG-270 - St'át'imcets Structure & Analysis I
STLG-271 - St'át'imcets Structure and Analysis II
STLG-330 - St'át'imcets Language Immersion: Pod/Cohort Learning Through Multiple Mentors
STLG-350 - St'át'imcets Language Immersion: Introduction to Mentored Special Topics
STLG-360 - St'át'imcets Mentoring I
STLG-361 - St'át'imcets Mentoring 2
STSC-101 - Strategies for Success
THTR-110 - Introduction to Acting
TRMG-101 - The Tourism Industry
TRMG-110 - Cultural Tourism
TRMG-250 - Destination Marketing Organizations
WMGT-100 - Introduction to Water Management