BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

Foundational Skills in Counselling Certificate

Program Delivery Location: Community
Credential: Certificate
Format: Full-Time, Part-Time
Start Dates: September, January, May

Foundational Skills in Counselling Certificate

The Foundational Skills Certificate in Counselling program is awarded to recognize the successful completion of the following ten (10) Addictions Counsellor Training (ADCT) courses.
For more information, cvaughan@nvit.bc.ca or toll free at 1-877-682-3300.

Certificate Completion Plan
To receive a Certificate in Foundational Skills in Counselling, the student must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 (C) and receive 30 credits. Courses for this program are as follows and can be tailored to the community’s preference.
  • ADCT-101 - Couns Skills, Processes, Theory, Method
  • ADCT-102 - Psychology, Understanding Human Behaviour
  • ADCT-103 - Introduction to Mental Health
  • ADCT-104 - Case Management
  • ADCT-105 - Sociology of Aboriginal Communities
  • ADCT-201 - Family Systems
  • ADCT-202 - Sexual Abuse
  • ADCT-203 - Special Issues in Counselling
  • ADCT-204 - Advanced Counselling
  • ADCT-205 - Practicum - Addictions Counselling
  • Course Listing for this program

    ADCT-101 - Credits: 3.000
    Couns Skills, Processes, Theory, Method
    This course introduces students to several theoretical perspectives used in the counselling process. Students examine practice concepts such as problem solving, goal-setting, self-awareness and intervention methods. An Aboriginal perspective citing ways of knowing is explored as a mechanism in the process of problem identification. Students compare and contrast the ecological approach with traditional teaching of the medicine wheel as conceptual frameworks within the counseling process. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program admission
    ADCT-102 - Credits: 3.000
    Psychology, Understanding Human Behaviour
    This course is an introduction to native psychology. It introduces the psychological understanding of human nature developed in tribal thought. These understandings include; 1) the development of the individual through the stages of life; 2) an introduction to ceremonial practices which promote healthy individuals, families systems, and communities; and 3) an introduction to the dynamics of native psychology as it relates to the client in recovery. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-103 - Credits: 3.000
    Introduction to Mental Health
    This course introduces students to the principle of mental health and its association to the legacy of colonization. Students examine the colonization process as it relates to current high rates of depression, anxiety, alcoholism, suicide, and violence in Aboriginal communities. Students are required to use critical thinking and reasoning skills. An Aboriginal perspective guides the delivery of this course. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-104 - Credits: 3.000
    Case Management
    The course will introduce students to management skills in the administration of caseloads, including the maintenance of appropriate records, developing procedures for diagnosing and planning, and for follow-up treatment after the client is released. This course will examine techniques that will ensure appropriate management of clients' treatment and of their files. This course will assist students towards balancing traditional Aboriginal and non - Aboriginal practices standards. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-105 - Credits: 3.000
    Sociology of Aboriginal Communities
    The course is designed to provide students with the conceptual tools and knowledge for understanding the nature of Aboriginal communities today. Aboriginal people have many different ways of approaching, understanding and talking about issues and specific world views which result from living in an enclosed society. This course will provide students with the opportunity to examine and discuss present day issues through the lens of significant contemporary, historical and legislative events. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-201 - Credits: 3.000
    Family Systems
    Students study the family from Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal perspectives. Students compare nuclear family structures and extended family structures. Students explore the concept of socialization and its impact on self and family. Students examine personal value systems, interpersonal relationships, gender-role relationships, marriage, and family structures. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-202 - Credits: 3.000
    Sexual Abuse
    This course is designed to furnish students with an experiential process of learning how to work with traumatic disclosures. Students will explore the concept of safety as a crucial element in establishing a counselor-client relationship that characterizes sharing despite the power of family secrecy and shame dynamics of abuse victims. Students will be encouraged to draw upon their knowledge of Aboriginal culture, practices, beliefs, and rituals as a source of healing while exploring western concepts and ideologies of practice. This course directs students towards understanding aspects of sexual abuse/incest at a cognitive level, including the notion of developing strategies for the survivors when families and community are still unhealthy. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-203 - Credits: 3.000
    Special Issues in Counselling
    Students explore the significance of communication and diversity as a foundation of basic counselling. Concepts such as cultural socialization, multiple worldviews, race, ethnicity, and gender are examined. The course provides students with a unique treatment of intercultural communication as a mechanism for examining special issues in the counselling process. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-204 - Credits: 3.000
    Advanced Counselling
    Students explore, compare and contrast Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal counseling practice models. They examine theoretical frameworks such as cognitive-behavioral, tasks-centered, crisis intervention systems and ecological approaches. Students focus on anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive perspectives as they relate to traditional teachings. Students research common threads/themes that connect Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal counseling practices. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Program Admission
    ADCT-205 - Credits: 3.000
    Practicum - Addictions Counselling
    Students will gain practical experience and will meet future potential employers through a workplace practicum. The praticum will commence immediately and will consist of 200 contact hours of supervision and workplace assignments. Practicum placement will be under the discretion of the program. More Details on this course
    Prerequisites: Completion of all Chemical Addiction Worker program courses.

    Current Course Offerings

    01 = Merritt Campus
    V1 = Burnaby Campus

    Spring 2025 (January - April)

  • ADCT-101-V1
  • ADCT-104-V1
  • ADCT-205-V1
  • Summer 2025 (May - August)

  • ADCT-102-V1
  • ADCT-103-V1
  • ADCT-205-V1

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