BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

CAPS-160 - Approaches to Conflict Resolution I - 3.00 Credits

CAPS-160 - Approaches to Conflict Resolution I - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
Learners will be introduced to Indigenous methods of conflict resolution skills relevant to a career in public safety. This course explores trauma informed conflict resolution models and the concept of emotional intelligence to develop practical skills to enhance understanding of the trauma inflicted on Indigenous people and societies. Learners will examine Indigenous methods of resolving conflict as well as familiarize themselves with historical and contemporary events involving conflict between Indigenous people and police organizations. By developing interpersonal communication skills, learners will participate in conflict resolution dialogue that focuses on case studies as well as self-reflection activities to challenge their own attitudes, assumptions and beliefs.
Part of the:
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • Community and Public Safety Professional Certificate Program - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Prerequisites : Program Admission
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Relevant Master’s Degree
    Office Hours: 1.5 per week
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 50-70%, Final 30-50%, Total 100%. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
    Learning Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to: 

    • demonstrate an understanding of trauma informed conflict resolution models and apply practical skills;

    • describe the concept of emotional intelligence as it relates to interpersonal communication;

    • describe historical and contemporary conflicts and outcomes between Indigenous people and police organizations;

    • demonstrate an understanding of Indigenous methods for conflict resolution;

    • demonstrate an understanding of the assumptions of interpersonal conflict;

    • increase personal awareness, self-understanding and effective interpersonal communication by examining motivations, emotions, values, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, learning styles, self-concept, how we affect others and how they affect us; and

    • describe personal emotional response to conflict and demonstrate effective responses to heightened emotion in others.

    Text and Materials:
    Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits: For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
    Other Information: