INST-241 - First Nations Cultural Development I - 3.00 Credits
Course Details
First Nations women's cultural development forms an integral and unique part of NVIT. This course, taught in conjunction with knowledgeable Elders, is aimed at providing students with the opportunity to: (1) compare their knowledge systems and philosophical appreciation for First Nations cultures including values, philosophies, survival skills, technologies, arts and ceremonies; and (2) to compare and examine how various aspects of First Nations cultural values and practices can be incorporated into and enhance their learning experience.
Part of the:UNIVERSITY TRANSFER Department
Prerequisites : FNWS 100, or permission of instructor.
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree.
Office Hours:
1.5 Per week.
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
In consultation with the student and instructor (s) this course will be marked as either: Pass or Fail.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should demonstrate knowledge, skills and/or attitudes in the following:
Clearly identify the relationship between First Nations spiritual beliefs and social organization with their natural environment
Comprehend philosophy embedded in myths, legends and stories;
Demonstrate familiarity with a First Nations worldview as expressed through ceremony and rituals;
Ability to compare and contrast the range of cultural practices as expressed in selected First Nations cultures;
Be familiar with the traditional uses of plants;
Comprehend the connection between communal practises and community development;
Discuss the significance of First Nations spirituality as a means of balance;
Understand the protocols attached to the undertaking of spiritual guidance and ceremonial activities; and
Demonstrate the ability to attend and participate in ceremonial practises.
Text and Materials:
Kelley, Caffyn. (1992). Give Back: First Nations' Perspectives on Cultural Practices. Vancouver: Gallerie Publications.
Kinsley, D. and R. Cliffs. (1995). Ecology and Religion: Ecological Spirituality in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New York: Prentice-Hall.
Bopp, J. et al. (1985). The Sacred Tree: Reflections on Native American Spirituality. Lethbridge: Four Worlds Development Press.Others as determined by instructor.
Other Resources:
As determined by Instructor and Elder
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit:
Other Information:
Late Assignments: All assignments are to be handed in at the beginning of class on the date they are due. Late assignments will be assessed a 5 % per day penalty. Assignments not submitted within one week of the due date will not be accepted.
Every effort should be made to have assignments in on the due date. Assignments will not be graded after the due date without a written agreement negotiated between student and instructor. If you know that you will be unable to hand your assignment in on time, you should discuss it with your instructor at least one week in advance of the due date. Extensions are only given in compelling medical or personal circumstances; documentation may be required.
Papers: Papers should be typewritten if possible but hand-written papers may be accepted. Papers with illegible writing will not be graded. Students should make every effort to acquaint themselves with a computer and a writing program; watch for workshop offered by Student Services which will equip you with the tools you need for researching and writing on a computer. Papers should be completed on 8½ x 11 inch white or recycled paper and secured with a single staple in the upper left hand corner. Papers should carry the date the paper was submitted rather than the date it was due. Students should keep a hard copy of their paper or a photocopy of their paper before you hand it in.
Attendance: Attendance at lectures is critical because much information on the various topical areas, as well as, the assignments is disseminated in class. Lack of attendance will definitely be reflected in your overall grade. Students are expected to excuse their absences, in advance of the class, through other students or the instructor. Students with three ( 3) or more documented absences may be required to withdrawn from the class and/or face disciplinary action.