NSYL-350 - Nsyilxcen Immersion: Introduction to Mentored Special Topics - 3.00 Credits
Course Details
This course is an introductory mentored special topics course. The course provides students immersion learning following a special topics model. Fluent Nsyilxcen topic mentors engage students in total immersion sessions focused on increasing the use of Nsyilxcen. Implementing a situational learning practice to guide the topics plan for selected sessions. Situational learning topics may include indoor, outdoor, or other practical learning experiences.
Part of the:UNIVERSITY TRANSFER Department
Available/Required in the following Programs:Nsyilxcen Language Fluency Diploma Program - Diploma Completion Plan
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree or Equivalent
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50-70%, Final 30-50%, Total 100%. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
- explain the principles in a Mentor Apprentice model;
- demonstrate an ability to adjust their conversation learning plans to the selected Mentor speaker life requirements;
- exhibit an understanding of the discipline required to become an apprentice learner working with selected Mentor;
- develop and implement seven lesson plans to participate in a Mentor/Apprentice language learning situation;
- demonstrate the ability to work respectfully with Mentor Fluent Elder speakers; and
- demonstrate a high level of verbal fluency in seven select immersion settings with a Mentor Fluent Elder speaker.
Text and Materials:
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
Other Information: